Naturopathy is a balance of the ancient healing arts and modern medicine. It is guided by the principle of vis medicatrix naturae – the healing power of nature. In essence, the body has the inherent ability to heal itself, but may sometimes need support due to stresses and environmental exposures. It is our job to assist and support this healing process.

Naturopathic Doctors are primary care physicians who have completed an undergraduate degree along with a 4 year Graduate Naturopathic Medical program. An accredited program includes a strong foundation in the sciences of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology training. In addition to the basic medical sciences, Naturopathic doctors are also trained in nutrition, diet/lifestyle counseling, botanical medicine, homeopathy and other natural modalities. It is our goal to support the natural healing process. Treatment modalities are chosen based on the need of the individual and the extent of the illness.

Nutrition/ Diet

Dietary consultation and Nutritional support


Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that uses highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the bodies natural healing response.


Detoxification is an essential part of the healing process. We use a combination of Infra Red sauna, essential oil therapy, food, homeopathy and botanical support to help this process

Essential Oil Therapy

Essential Oils are used topically and aromatically and can be helpful in addressing pain, supporting detoxification and mood.

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is a system of evaluating how the body reacts to various forms of stimuli applied to the nervous system. Also known as “Muscle Testing”. It is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health

Applied Kinesiology is used in conjunction with Lab work to determine the best course of treatment for each individual.

Somatic Reeducation

Somatic Re-Education (SR) is a gentle, non-invasive physical medicine modality that reminds the body of its natural ability to restore balance. It is based on a simple and profound philosophy: allow the body to correct itself. The hallmark of SR is pain relief.

The body is stimulated using gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compression and subtle contact. The result is seemingly effortless pain and tension relief, natural re- alignment, relaxation and a deep sense of well-being.

The individual is empowered to participate in their own recovery, and through the process can begin to rediscover the ability to heal and restore comfort, ease and balance back into their body.

Botanical Medicine

The use of plants for healing purposes.


What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is the use of hot and cold water to “enhance blood flow through the organs of elimination such as skin, liver, kidney’s and bowels, detoxification and thereby improvement of the blood takes place.” It thereby increases oxygen, nutrients, red and white blood cells, improves thyroid function and decreases lipids.

What does a session look like?

Constitutional Hydrotherapy is a relaxing 45 minute treatment where a series of hot and cold towels are applied to the chest and back leaving you feeling relaxed, yet rejuvenated.

History of Hydrotherapy

Documentation of Hydrotherapy dates back to 1697 in The History of Hot and Cold Bathing written by an English medical Practitioner named John Floyer but forms of it have been used in China, Hungary and other countries long before that time. In Austria, Vicent Priessnitz watched the animals on his father’s farm heal injuries by bathing in cold water. He started using Hydrotherapy after he was injured in a farm accident and was told by his doctors that he could not be healed. After healing himself, he soon began treating neighbors for such ailments as Gout, Rheumatism and diabetes. He “eventually had such a following that the Austrian Government was forced to build new roads to facilitate the access to his establishment”. He laid the road for other practitioners such as Sebastian Kneipp why cured himself of Tuberculosis with diet and water therapy.Eventually, hydrotherapy was brought to the states by Dr. O.G. Carroll where it was continued by Dr. John Bastyr and Dr. John Dick who added electrical stimulation via sine wave to further enhance blood flow. This form of hydrotherapy is still used today and is known as Constitutional Hydrotherapy.

Wellness Education

We place a high priority in educating you about the health issues you are dealing so that you are able to be a part of your health journey. It is our hope to give you the tools you need to maintain your health so that less frequent Dr. Visits are needed.